
The longstanding drought in California is nothing new. It is a part of our lives that we must contend with, and we all need to do our part to help conserve water wherever possible. Were you aware that converting your yard to a low water use oasis will not only save water, but also improve the value of your property? Thanks to Santa Clara County and the water conservation programs, conservation, property value and even your wallet can all see improvement.

The county Water Conversation website has a variety of ideas listed which will help you on your way to better conservation. I also think that some of the ideas can also beautify a home and increase the value. In particular, the yard conversion programs could help you have the most attractive house on the block, which would make your property the prime real estate for folks to bid over when it comes time to sell.

There is now a rebate of $2.00 per square foot of property conversions taking high water use yards to low water use landscapes. Imagine if you have an average sized yard of 10,000 square feet and you converted the entire plot to a low water use plan, you could potentially get a rebate of $20,000 back in your pocket; that is no small change. Keep in mind, this current rebate is only valid at this time for approved conversion plans submitted by December 31, 2015.


But what is low water use landscaping? In essence, it involves removing your grass lawn and replacing it with naturally hardy, drought resistant plants. There is a list of plants that can be grown in a yard conversion provided by Santa Clara County. These plants don’t need much water compared to a grass lawn, and that is key.

Along with your landscape conversion, there is another important component to saving water in your yard, drip irrigation. This is a highly efficient way to water your property with the least amount of wasted water available. By having flat hoses with small holes which allow the water to drip out, placed throughout a yard, gone are the days of sprinklers that water the sidewalk more than they do plants.

The yard conversion program is an involved process, but the Santa Clara Valley Water District has helped make it easier to understand with a series of videos which explain it all. I recommend watching them all before you begin your yard conversion plans to ensure you get the most out of the program for yourself and your property.

A home is another investment well worth the cost. When you are ready to buy or sell a home, we at Haylen Group are here to help you with all of your real estate needs! If you are unsure what your options are, call Helen Chong at (408) 800-LIST or email at Helen@HaylenGroup.com. You can also visit us at our website for available listings and additional information.